Another Day Begins

Today... is yet another boring old day of my life at the Dedham Middle School.

The Dedham Middle School

Although some things will be very different. The big difference will be schedule. The blocks will instead of going 1, 2, 3, 4 Lunch, 5, 6, 7 will go 7, 6, 3, Lunch, 4, 5, 1, 2. I do not know if this schedule will be permanent or not. I do know that a lot of kids will go to the wrong classes today. I also do have a feeling that things will be the same tomorrow.

Also, today will be the awards ceremony at the school. When I go there, I will get my second High Honors award. I still haven't gotten a single non-A grade this year. I, to be honest, can't believe how fast and how well this year is going. Compared to fifth grade (Which was a huge struggle) This year has been great.

Also, on Saturday, I will be going to the birthday party of my friend who I will call EM.


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