12,018 and more!

Hello, readers. It is me, Finn, here. Currently, I am sitting at my computer watching videos about the game Terraria and relaxing. Any old readers of my blog will remember me talking about said game in the past, which I have been playing on occasion for the fun of it, especially since I bought it for my friend with some spare money I had. Recently, I watched a building timelapse of a beach hut by the youtuber Parsnip Games. Overall, I quite enjoyed the build. Also, I have been playing the game "Cities: Skylines" which I have described in the past.

Also on the web, I am planning to buy the 12,018 calendar, which uses the Holocene Calendar rather than the regular Gregorian Calendar. The Holocene calendar is explained in this video - A New History for Humanity – The Human Era. It is made by Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell, which, similarly to Parsnip games, is also a great youtube channel to watch. The channel has numerous creative videos which I love to watch.

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In school, I have just finished my first unit in math (Which is technically unit 2) and I believe that I am moving on to unit 3 but I am not sure. Overall, I have been having a wonderful time in school. Anyway, I have to go today. I will write more later. Goodbye.


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